The rooms are well-lit and tastefully furnished.

Each room is different from the other and is distinguished by the name of a flower (rose, lilac, hydrangea, lavender, jasmine, primrose, etc.). Delicate curtains overlook the windows, wrought iron beds and antique furniture offer a feeling of serenity. Each room has its own private bathroom complete with shower or bathtub, hairdryer, magnifying mirror.

All rooms are equipped with independent air conditioning and TV.
WI.FI service in all rooms.

Financed with Funds ERDF - ROP 2014-2020 AXIS 3 and AXIS 8 – ACTION 3.2.1 and 8.2.1. UMBRIAPERTA: CALL FOR SUPPORT TO ACCOMMODATION ENTERPRISES Project CUP G88J21000110004 – COR 16006082
